Stuff we do in our spare time
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We are some of the greatest Goldeneye players ever, you may think you can beat us but that would be a farce. If you would like to challenge us email me at

Ultimate glow in the dark frisbee

Probably something you have to see to believe, it is an awesome sport. Of course we also play real football too.


This game requires as many people as possible. You start off by one person laying down on the floor, in some sort of posistion, then the next person gets on top of that person in the same posistion, then the third person, and so on and so forth.

The object of this game? Try to get a stack as high as possible, without it tumbling. We have got up to ten people without falling. If you can top that, take a picture and we will post it on this website, and you may get a prize.

Stand-up chameleon

This is an alternate version of chameleon which requires the strength of one. One person must see how many people he can hold on his or her back.

The hitting game

It's just like it sounds, you sit in a big circle, and someone directs, and says something like right fist to left leg, and you go around the cirle and hit each other.The object of the game? Staying in as long as you can. You can leave the game whenever you want, but then you are out, last person out wins.

Water Bubbles game

A game that needs no explanation, because if you have one you'll know how to play. They know from experience.

The Thigh game

A game that has a penalty for those who use their hands. The object of the game is to knee your opponets in the thigh, until they quit the game. Literally last man standing wins.

The Clothes pin game

You try to clamp the clothespin on a painful spot of your body, without showing pain.
These games may hurt, try them at your own risk.

Terd Fergusen or Doug Pooplantis?
Fergusen or Pooplantis? A question asked since the beginning of time. Who would you have voted for?

Our presidential canidates

Who would you vote for?

Doug Pooplantis
Terd Fergusen
Ralph Nader
This is too hard
Do you have true or false?


My soul finds rest in God alone, my savation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and salvation,He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.- Psalm 62:1


The Lord is my rock and my salvation, He's my redeemer and my friend.