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That's right we make movies
This really isn't a band thing, just something we enjoy. We currently have made two movies, and our third is in progress. In no way do we intend to make money off this, for it has our offbeat sense of humor.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord-Psalm 150:6

  Colors of injustice Cast: Evan Schilling, Michael Milbourn, Joseph Stagg,Scott Hardwicke, Justin Arnold, Danny Goeking,

Genre: Comedy

Plot: The forces of good and evil collide in a high school battle of paint ball. Surprise twist at the end

Productions: M and M productions

Time: Approximately 15-25 minutes

Playin' in the creek
  The ski trip orientation movie of 2000 Cast: Nathan Arnold, Jason Flook, Un-ae Flook, Michael Milbourn, Evan Schilling, Joseph Stagg, cameo appearance by Katie Booth

Genre: Comedy/orientational(it's a brand new genre)

Plot: A movie to help orientate the ski trip goers of frederick boulevard baptist church, on the do's and don't of ski trips.

Productions: Leather couch productions

Time: Approximately 15-20 minutes

  The ski trip movie of 2001 Cast: Jason Flook, Evan Schilling, Nathan Arnold, and Michael Milbourn ( more to come)

Genre: Once again, we make a bold step into the genre of comedy/orientational video.

Plot: what I said for the first one except better scenes, and better stuff.

Productions:Leather couch productions


Song: ski-trip song

Live at Krug park

Filmed by: Devin Ashley


How can I describe the Lord, When words are not enough, How can I describe the Lord, I could never say enough.