Calendar of events
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Events of happening
These are events that are being participated, by members of Three Days Till Glory, or events that are done by Three Days till Glory.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God," who is, and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."-Revelations 1:8

This is a list of stuff we do on a weekly to monthly basis.

Sunday's-Nathan Arnold and Scott Hardwicke play in our sunday night contemperary service. It starts at 6 p.m. Jason Flook has bsu practice at 9 p.m.

Monday's-Nathan, Scott, and Jason have praise band practice at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday's- Jason Flook plays with the bsu praise band at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Wednesday's-FBBC youth praise band plays around 8:15 p.m. Also sunday night practice before that.

Thursday's- Nate leads a bible study at 7 p.m. Then we have our bible study at 9 p.m.

Friday's- Scott Hardwicke's chapel band plays at 8 a.m.

Saturday's- Sometimes we play at something.

  Calendar of events


Feb 11 Bsu praise band at Gawer

Feb 16-19 Ski trip

Feb 25 Bsu praise band somewhere


TDtg- maybe in Bethany?

Our schedule
Our schedule is pretty much open, for worshipping God, leading worship for revivals over the weekends or retreats, if you would like to book us please go to our booking page.

If you would like to see us lead worship at our church, on the dates listed to the left, click below.
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You are the Lord of the earth, You are the king who reigns on high, You are the one who gave me birth, You are the one who gave me life.