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Bio's of the band
Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children.-Ephesians 5:1

James Arnold
Middle name: Nathan
Sex: male
What part of the band: guitarist, vocalist, song writer
Instruments: Guitar, piano, drums, djembe, bass, harmonica, rainstick, and the egg shaker
What hand:right-handed
Favorite past-time:
Favorite qoute:
Favorite movie:
Favorite video game:Goldeneye
Favorite verse:
Place to live:

Jason Flook
Middle name: Flor (that's right, don't laugh)
Age: 21
Sex: male
What part of the band: guitarist, bassist, and songwriter
Instruments: guitar, djembe, harmonica, bass, rainstick, and the egg shakers.
What hand: right-handed
Favorite past-time:Praising God
Favorite qoute:There are three kinds of people in this world, those who can count, and those who can't.
Favorite movie:The prince of egypt
Favorite video game: Goldeneye
Favorite verse:1 corinthians 10:31
Place to live: Colorado

Tracy Johnson
Middle name:
Sex: female
What part of the band:vocalist
Instruments:piano and the egg shakers
What hand: right-handed
Favorite past-time:
Favorite quote:
Favorite movie:
Favorite video game:
Favorite verse:
Place to live:

Scott Hardwicke
Middle name: William
Sex: male
What part of the band:Vocalist, bassist
Instruments:Bass, djembe, rainstick, and the egg shakers
What hand: right-handed
Favorite past-time:
Favorite qoute:
Favorite movie:
Favorite video game:
Favorite verse:
Place to live:


You're the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Alpha and omega, You're my savior and my friend.